Learn from the experts.
People who love their work also love sharing their knowledge. That’s us! Sharpen your skills in one of our workshops customized to your specific team, needs, or product.
What we teach
Our comprehensive courses cover everything from human factors to best practices for research.
Human factors courses
Introduction to Human Factors for Healthcare Design
Regulatory Human Factors
Human Factors and Aging
Cognitive Ergonomics
Human Factors for Home Health
Research courses
Use-Related Risk Analysis
Contextual Inquiry for Healthcare and Medical Products
Effective Interviewing Techniques
Facilitating Discussion Groups
Cognitive Walkthroughs
Heuristic Evaluations
Developing Research Screeners
Selecting and Recruiting Research Participants
Developing Effective Questionnaires
Usability Testing
How to Conduct Usability Testing on Instructions for Use (IFU)
Task Analysis
Moderating Techniques/101
Class formats tailored to your team’s specific needs.
Tutorials and lunch & learns
1 hour
Crash course
1/2 day
1 day
2-3 days
What to expect
- Customized, hands-on workshops
- Tailored to your product, skill, and experience
- Strategies for integrating human factors into the design process
- Sample documents, case studies, and templates
- Live-streaming/recordings

Ready to get started?
Explore our other services
Human factors & UX research
We can help during any stage of your product development life cycle.
Our research space
Partner with us for your next usability study, or rent our state of the art research and usability lab.
Participant recruiting
We match the right participant to the right study to provide you with high-quality data.